Mercer County Family Crisis Center

309-582-7233 (24 Hour Crisis Line)

309 NW 2nd Street

Aledo, IL 61231

What to Expect

A blue bird is sitting on top of the words " safe space ".

What to Expect

  • The CAC is a safe and comfortable place for your child to express in their own words what they might have experienced or seen.
  • A trained forensic interviewer conducts the interview. The interviewer is trained to understand children’s communication, assess a child’s development, and ask necessary questions to focus on allegations in a supportive and non –leading manner.
  • Referrals for interviews are only made by CAC’s partner agencies: DCFS, law enforcement, or the State’s Attorney.
  • Once you arrive, you will complete an intake form and meet the CAC staff that will be working with you and your child.
  • The CAC staff will explain the forensic interview process and the role of the CAC.
  • After the forensic interview is completed, the investigators involved in your case will meet with you to discuss the next steps and to answer your questions
  • You will also meet the CAC staff to discuss any referrals you might need, such as counseling and other support services
A cloud with the word support written on it.


  •           Every year more than 3.6 million referrals are made to child protecting agencies involving more than 6.6 million children. (a referral can include multiple children)
  •         A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds.
  •         The United States loses an average of 4 to 7 children every day to child abuse and neglect.