Mercer County Family Crisis Center

309-582-7233 (24 Hour Crisis Line)

309 NW 2nd Street

Aledo, IL 61231

Signs Of Abuse

A red stop sign with the word " stop " written underneath it.

Do you recognize any of these abusive behaviors?

  • Prevents you from leaving/physically restrains you.
  • Used or threatened to harm you with a weapon.
  • Pushes, slaps, spits, punches, bites or burns you.
  • Calls you names.
  • Uses your child/children against you.
  • Blames you for causing “the abuse”.
  • Pressures you to dress in a certain way.
  • Forces you to have sex after physical violence has occurred.
  • Directs physical violence toward sexual areas of your body.
  • Makes all decisions about money without your input.
  • Causes you to lose your job.
  • Refuses you access to money.
  • Threatens to commit suicide.
  • Criticizes or threatens you, your family or friends.
  • Isolates you from your family and/or friends.
A girl standing in front of a wall with her shadow on the wall.

Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

3.3 million children in the U.S. between ages of 3 and 17 are at risk yearly of exposure to parental violence.

In general, 70% of people who abuse their partners also abuse their children.

As violence against women becomes more severe and more frequent in the home, children experience a 400% increase in physical violence by the male batterer.

If you recognized any of these behaviors, consider calling us 

for more information! 309-582-SAFE (7233)