Mercer County Family Crisis Center
309-582-7233 (24 Hour Crisis Line)
309 NW 2nd Street
Aledo, IL 61231
Prep Before Interview

What to do before the interview
- Be supportive to your child by not asking questions or encouraging them to discuss the incident before the interview. We understand that parents have questions. However, many times children have difficulty talking about sensitive matters with their parents or caregivers. It can be helpful for the child and investigators if there is one statement made to a trained interviewer at the CAC. This may reduce trauma and issues with multiple statements. If your child begins to talk about the incident, listen without judgement, but don’t ask questions. Let your child know that you love them and will protect them.
- If your child is anxious about what is expected of them, simply tell them to be honest, assuring them that it is safe to answer any questions that the interviewer may ask.
- Make your child’s physical well-being a priority. You should be sure that your child’s basic needs such as food and sleep have been met. This will ensure that your child is functioning at his or her best during the interview.

Signs of Child Abuse
- Repeated physical and mental problems.
- Learning problems not attributed to physical or psychological causes.
- Lacks adult supervision.
- Is overly compliant, passive or withdrawn.