Mercer County Family Crisis Center
309-582-7233 (24 Hour Crisis Line)
309 NW 2nd Street
Aledo, IL 61231
Order of Protection

Order of Protection
What is it?
An order of protection is issued by the court to limit the behavior of someone who harms or threatens to harm another person. It is used to address various types of safety issues including domestic violence.
An order of protection may direct the offending person not to injure, threaten or harass you, your family or any other person(s) listed in the order. It may include:
- Stay away from you and your children
- Stay away from your home, workplace, children’s school and/or daycare
- Order your abuser to have no contact with you or your children
How long will an Order of Protection last?
An Emergency order of protection may be granted from 14-21 days. During the 14-21 days, law enforcement will attempt to serve the abuser with the Order. The next court date, the judge may grant a Plenary Order of Protection. A Plenary Order of Protection can last up to 2 years.
What do I need to bring with me?
When meeting with a Legal Advocate for an Order of Protection, it is helpful if you have information about the abuser:
- First, middle and last name
- Date of birth
- Distinguishing features (scars, tattoos, etc.)
- Home and work address of the abuser
- Police statement or your statement about the abuse that took place
There is no fee to acquire an Order of Protection against your abuser.
If you have questions and/or would like to meet with a Legal Advocate – call (309)582-SAFE(7233)

You never know how strong you are, until being strong is the only choice you have.